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Kimberly Komar
42 weeks ago
I have always suffered from acne but never thought it was from what I was caring in the inside. Left picture is day 1 upper right is day 4. This is only day 4 and the toxins are being released ! Yessss let it out. Thanks @doctorholistic loving this bitter taste of health! I am claiming my health . #detox #cleanse #acneproblems

Sabrina C.
40 weeks ago
This detox was a real struggle for me, but managed to stick with it. There were times my husband would say stop being so strict on yourself , but didn't listen. had to stick to this for myself . I'm 40 years old , and I knew it was time to make a lifestyle change . not only got rid of 13 pounds , I lost my food baby, lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol , have better skin , and have a lot more energy . am so thankful that Tierra Burrell shared this detox info with her IG followers!

Stephanie Sunshine
32 weeks ago
I recommend Dr. Price's 30 -day group detox program to all my clients based on my experience completing it. I am confident that no matter where you are in your own journey starting out or 30 years in you will benefit from this experience . Thank you, Dr. Price, for creating this opportunity and for sharing the gift of health with me and so many others! Stephanie Sunshine/ Vegan Chef

32 weeks ago
Sauteed portabella mushrooms and sauteed peppers with kale . Day 21 of my 28 detox by @doctorholistic . This has been such a wonderful experience and eye opener . I was vegan but now I'm plant based . There is a major difference . I'm stronger mentally , emotionally and physically . I needed this #plantbabsed #loveyourself

Emealia Hollis
7 days ago
So I made it through the weekend with sticking to the food list and something interesting happened to me today (TMI alert lol). My cycle started!!! I was already on it at the beginning of the cleanse so I didn't think it would happen this soon. I have PCOS and I have NEVER had a cycle that was EXACTLY 28 days apart without the assistant of birth control. Even though this has been tough, I'm definitely working on a strategy for after this is over. My doctor was just talking about putting me on Metformin (which I objected to) and this just proves that if take care of my body it will do what it needs to heal so thank you Dr. Bobby J. Price !!!! The weight loss is great, but this is unmeasurable

T Figueroa
30 weeks ago
I did this detox recently for 30 days too and these ladies are not lying!!! I feel amazing and lost 22 lbs. the first week was tough I had a fever and a migraine but after that week omg!!!! I didn't crave junk anymore my skin started to clear and radiate. Overall just amazing ! I have MS and the energy and clarity experienced was crazy. So definitely this cleanse is a part of my lifestyle for life. Doing my next detox in September. Dr. Price thank you so much also!!! You are changing lives and have definitely changed mine.

Stephanie Sunshine
29 weeks ago
As a vegan chef and yoga teacher, my own personal growth is essential for the work that I do. I read Price's book Vegucation Over Medication and it inspired me to level up and really take that next step in my journey. After reading Dr. Price's book, was excited to implement everything by completing his 30 Day Detox Program. I had no idea how much this detox would change my life. I have been on a healthy living journey for almost 10 years, and this program gave me tremendous benefits: greater mental clarityfocus, and discipline, improved mood, more energy, sharper intuition, and healthier skin just to name a few. I've done a few different detoxes before and this one has by far been the most effective. Stephanie Sunshine Vegan Chef e / V Continued...

Kash Salon
#Motivational Monday So here it Review from doing @doctorholistic 30 Day Detox I did the 14 day back in Sept and lost 6lbs and felt amazing. So after the holiday carb feast really needed this 30 day detox. I wasn't really doing it for the weight loss ... gained so much clarity and wanted to unclog my mind and my body. Cleansing the bloodstream and all the toxicity out of my body was much needed. Not to mention my skin looks and feels amazing! The energy gained was amazing , a gym rat already , so I was still able to workout 5 days a week sometimes 2x a day. It was a struggle doing all 30 days but so glad I read motivated to keep going! I advise everyone to read his book " Vegucation Over Medication " and gain knowledge before doing the detox Understanding the foods that we consume live in our guts which causes alot of health issues. Learning to Eat to Live NOT Live to Eat. I'm at a place where I just want to be healthy and peaceful ... that's being Successful !!!

Adrienne Dione
Finishing up this book and it has really changed my life ! Our bodies are temples and God designed the earth to supply us with everything we need to sustain and heal us . The health of this country is on a serious decline and we don't get back to the basics, things will only get worse . I highly recommended the read ! You'll walk away with all your questions answered ! And follow @doctorholistic He's a gem!

C. Cooper
4 Weeks Ago
There are some looking for alternative ways of becoming and staying healthy. The constant use of prescription medicines to make you well is daunting at best. The problem is that many that want to make this change do not know where to start. This is where Dr. Bobby Price fills that void. He is knowledgeable and compassionate about his work. My wife and wanted to change our eating lifestyle and utilize food as medicine and not a death sentence Dr. Price has been our tour guide on this journey to a healthier alternative of using food as medicine Try it and you will see the difference too.

Trammel Fox
My cravings for junk food disappeared ... No more acid reflux, No more fatigue , and sluggish feeling after eating meals ... And swear the teas balanced my hormones & increased my libido I lost inches & 10 lbs ! And the love & support from the group & Dr. Bobby over the course of the 30 Day Detox was amazingI didn't feel like I was doing it alone...We shared our setbacks , triumphs , wonderful recipes and more ... We became a detox family .... Thank Dr. Bobby for sharing your "Life's work and I appreciate your style of delivering life-changing information that's easy to understand and literally walking me step by step into a plant-based lifestyle

I completed my first detox that I did for 30 days. I have been plant based/ vegan since about 2015, with falling off a little with eating seafood and cheese. I have since cut that out completely but never detoxed my body before or afterwards . This was the best thing did for myself physically , mentally and spiritually . I consumed 64oz of herbs that were steeped the night before daily . I consumed mostly raw plant based foods , some were cooked but followed a list of approved fruits , veggies , seasonings , herbs , and nuts . I also incorporated intermittent fasting and fasted from 8pm until I woke up and had a green smoothie . At the end of the detox lost 15 pounds and 6 inches from my waist . This detox cleansed parasites from my body , I sleep better because used to have insomnia really bad . Completing this has helped my anxiety and depression a great deal . I had a great support system from my family , my girlfriend and little man I can't wait to do this detox again in the future . Thank you @doctorholistic for creating a great product from the earth

Pintsizenurse - I've officially completed my first detox I decided to do a detox to simple cleanse my body . had been feeling bloated and gross from how was eating for awhile. Seeing a few of my friends do @doctorholistic detox in January, I said screw itlet me do the 28 day detox and get myself together. wanted to do something that would challenge my discipline and also get me on track to having better eating habits The detox consisted of drinking 2 herbal teas daily (parasite cleanse & tummy teatox) and a strict vegan diet No meat, no dairy , no processed food, no fried food, no artificial sugars, no bread, no potatoes, no rice ( only wild rice) The food restrictions weren't that bad for me, but getting through the teas daily was really tough because they are extremely bitter Also preparing the teas the night before for the next day becomes annoying So how do I feel? I feel really good. The first few days I did experience some headaches , nausea, and stomach cramping. You can literally feel things moving to get the bowels flushed out. I've been sleeping better , my skin is a lot clearer and glowing more I've had bad eczema on my back for years that has cleared up Now that it's over , I'm sticking to vegan eating habits, No meat , no dairy have had chips and Oreos since being done with my detox cause SNACKS ! Lol But otherwise , I'm simply being very mindful of my choices with food .

I did this detox in January and loved the results . Gained lots of mental clarity, energy and lost almost 20 . I didn't have parasites but i needed a thorough cleansing . I'll be repeating again in a week or 2 as unable to on the dates of next detox . I highly suggest this detox especially in group setting coming up next month. @lift_vegan

Lost 28Lbs from 12 - 30 day detoxes , transitioned to a plant based lifestyle & mental clarity

Alyssa A.
Clear skin , clarity less bloating, weight loss , and so many more . Its prime, its worth it!

Amour Elliott
Energy levels are way better. No need for coffee

Clear mind, loss of weight / inches clearer skin , better digestion lost my cravings for processed foods

C. Cooper
TESTIMONIAL I am a huge foodie at heart..I've done every diet from Weight Watchers to had tried going plant-based before but I failed making up every excuse in the world of why I must have meat and/ or dairy in my life... A friend gave me Dr.Price's book( Vegucation over Medication) about 2 months ago & It literally changed my life. Then joined the 30 Day Detox Challenge ... feel the Detox teas are a MUST you're new to a plant - based diet ... For me, the Detox teas made it easier for me to sustain eating plant- based ...Ok ok , the teas are awfully bitter like it will make u want to cry ... But as time went on , around Day 7 noticed they weren't as bitter... My energy was through the roof! I slept better ... no Tonger needed coffee in the mornings... Cooper / Detoxer Continued ...

Kim Smith
Day 5 of my detox !! Down 6 pounds , energy up , skin clear Feeling lighter lol 9 more days to go ! I got this !!! It's all about overall health and wellness ! #LetsGo See @doctorholistic for info on this detox !

I have always suffered from acne but never thought it was from what I was caring in the inside. Left picture is day 1 upper right is day 4. This is only day 4 and the toxins are being released ! Yessss let it out. Thanks @doctorholistic loving this bitter taste of health ! I am claiming my health . #detox #cleanse #acneproblems

K. Pope
Day 3 of @doctorholistic Detox and i feel fabulous !!! I'm actually looking forward to my long run tomorrow!!!! #running #halfmarathonprep #blackrunners #multiplesclerosis 31m

Lost 20 !! No more depression , more confidence to take control of my health. Thank you!!

I can tell a huge difference in my belly fat. Bowel movement changes and mental clarity .

Have loved it. Lost 25 lbs, healed a gut and thyroid issue , cleared skin

Overall feeling of well being, calmer, more focused, reduced cravings for sweets.

This detox was a real struggle for me , but I managed to stick with it. There were times my husband would say stop being so strict on yourself, but didn't listen. I had to stick to this for myself. I'm 40 years old, and I knew it was time to make a lifestyle change . not only got rid of 13 pounds, I lost my food baby, lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol, have better skin, and have a lot more energy . Tam so thankful that Tierra Burrell shared this detox info with her IG followers!

I think it's called results. This is just from the last 30 days. Thanks to @doctorholistic ) d for leading another great 30 Day Group Detox! am honored to say that I once again won the before and after pic contest for the group detox and that I lost almost another 20 pounds . I also simply feel amazing from the inside out and in every part of my life . Once again a great experience and I highly recommend this detox ! No this is NOT an ad .

This 30 day Dr. Holistic (Bobby Price) detox was more mental and spiritual for me then physical. It has taught/shown me: * Discipline * Clairity * Determination * Will -Power * Self -Love * Value * The ability to read / f * e * e * l energy *Self-Care *Commitment *Endurance * Growth * Standards *Goals * Sacrifice and ultimately *A closer and more clear relationship w God My goals going in were to have a cleaner body , clear mind and popping skin . sqrt

Dr Price ! What's up! I'm writing you to say thank you ! completed your 28 day detox and bruh! My mental clarity is out the roof, my thoughts so clear feel like I'm high! Lol suffered from achilles' tendonitis for years , my soreness in my heels are gone ! I can finally run without icing or being bothered by extreme soreness . Appreciate what you're doing ! I've converted to Alkaline Vegan . #Vegucation OverMedication

Thank you for sharing your knowledge it has changed my life and everyone around keeps asking me what I'm doing. just stuck with it since the detox. I'm 24lbs down from 1871bs when I last saw you to 163lbs when started this journey I just wanted to detox not knowing I was stepping into a total lifestyle change and loving it and feeling great. My body looks and feels amazing . I haven't had meat , dairy, can/jar foods, or processed foods since. I got your book off of Amazon too, and I'm already halfway through it . This is coming from someone who doesn't like to read books and very hard to convince about most things . I'm referring people to your left and right . Keep spreading the good knowledge , my brother !" Timothy Kirkland / Detoxer

Hi, I'm just messaging you to tell you Thank you so much for your detox package , book , and wealth of knowledge . Yesterday was the last day of my 28 day detox and knocked it out of the park! The first day I was wondering how was going to make it with drinking those not so tasty, bitter teas. But lo and behold I made it. I truly enjoyed the alkaline vegan experience and will continue to follow it post detox . My mind , body, and spirit feels amazing! Oh and I lost a total of 11 lbs and went from 25.1% body fat to 16.4%! also gained more muscle as well, since i continued my weight lifting sessions. I use to suffer from 2-3+ migraines / headaches per week and since the detox, I have yet to experience one! Again, many thanks ! I will be planting seeds in my family so that we all can overcome the issues from food addiction and poor nutrition

Love this! I am on day 24 of yhe 28 day detox. I can't thank you enough. 15| lighter and every word above is true , I am happier and my brain fog is gone ! 🤯 💛

I've tried every detox on the market. You name it, I've tried! I've been let down so many times because never got the results these products claimed to have. That's when I realized that most of these companies are super " crafty" with marketing . I gave up and started making my own detox concoctions . I thought I was doing something with my concoctions until I tried @doctorholistic products. Y'all am not getting paid for this LOL . His products are the truth and everyone needs to know ! I started feeling results in 3 days ! I gained mental clarity , I felt happier , my cravings diminished , I lost inches around my waist , I had tons of energy and I was able to focus ! His products are on sale now !! It is worth the price ! You won't believe what will come out of your body ! The parasite cleanse blew my mind . If you don't know what parasites do, check out my content ! Alot of people asked me about the taste . Y'all I'm sorry , it is not designed to taste good LOL ! I've learned that no detox should taste good . The bitter , the better- serioulsy ! 34m

This is a must read very insightful and informative the sources check out completely I've done the research . Thank you Bobby J. Price. @doctorholistic #Healthiswealth #DrBobby Price #DrHolistic 12m

I want to say this was the hardest 30 days ever I never thought that I would or could ever give up meat and dairy after been told for years it's what our bodies needed to survive . I am so grateful to been able to have this opportunity to grow and learn with you all so grateful for every bit of it the post the laughs the pics the advice and the support Thank u for it all!! I actually almost purchased this detox before the group detox started and something said Shaunise wait until he does the group one because u don't want to be alone on what i knew would be a difficult journey . was so eager to start because I knew my body was in desperate need of detoxing I'm glad I listened to what I know now was God telling me to be still and wait . have learned so much from Dr Bobby and also you guys . This process has helped me become more disciplined in all areas of my life, from what I eat when I eat, and where eat , with my kid ,with my family and friends even my job (thank u Jesus ! Lol) My skin is clearer than its ever been , my energy level is up, sleep sound at night and wake ready to start my day , I'm able to work out daily and hit the sauna for 30 min with no problems , and most importantly my weight has melted right before my eyes I'm 20 pounds lighter .

So how do I feel? I feel really good. The first few days did experience some headaches, nausea, and stomach cramping. You can literally feel things moving to get the bowels flushed out. I've been sleeping better, my skin is a lot clearer and glowing more. I've had bad eczema on my back for years that has cleared up Now that it's over, I'm sticking to vegan eating habits. No meat, no dairy. I have had chips and Oreos since being done with my detox cause SNACKS ! Lol. But otherwise, I'm simply being very mindful of choices with food. My starting weight was 124lbs I'm now 111lbs and my waist was 28" and is now 25"The only " exercise " | was doing was yoga and living in NY , I walk everywhere Overall , this was a great first detox experience and can definitely see myself doing this once a year

When hardwork and consistency pays off little over 30 days ago I started a vegan cleanse with @doctorholistic and my before pictures are on the left. After finishing the cleanse, continuing to eat clean /vegan and now exercising with @rungirlrunrgr I'm almost at my goal weight ( even though I normally don't look at the number on the scale). I'm getting back to where I was before my sister transitioned in 2017. My in progress pictures are on the right and I'm feeling so much better than where I was a month ago. It may not look like much to some, but my goal is not just to look good but to feel good . This is only the beginning

What a journey . First two weeks were a physical challenge and the last two weeks was an emotional challenge. This detox got rid of toxins physically , emotionally , and spiritually . I lost 18lbs in 28 days. That's the exact amount gained since my Separation Divorce. The ion/Di1 Most High is amazing . That's why the detox was imperative for me. I had to get rid of that weight " in order to move up to the next level that I'm working so diligently for. But the next detox will definitely be with the group . don't need to be that alone again .

Today I am so Grateful for me overcame so many mental obstacles on this 30 day detox and came out on the other side as a conquerer ! I have lost 12lbs and have gained more self-love, discipline, mental clarity, better sleep, became more health conscious, more confident, more focused, determined and goal orientented. I'm so blessed to have been apart of this FB group because it has been so encouraging to share trials and tribulation with strangers that are now friends . My prayer is that this is just the beginning of our transformation ! With much love and respect and appreciation ! Thank you Dr. Bobby J. Price! # 30daysdetox #praisedance #blessed

When hard work and consistency pays off A little over 30 days ago started a vegan cleanse with @doctorholistic and my before pictures are on the left. After finishing the cleanse , continuing to eat clean / vegan and now exercising with @rungirlrunrgr I'm almost at my goal weight ( even though I normally don't look at the number on the scale ). I'm getting back to where I was before my sister transitioned in 2017.My in-1 progress pictures are on the right and I'm feeling so much better than where I was a month ago . It may not look like much to some , but my goal is not just to look good but to feel good . This is only the beginning

GAME CHANGER!!! It's about to go DOWN ! LOL S/O to @doctorholistic for caring about our community and families enough to share his knowledge to heal the world one body at a time. #healthyliving #healthyfood #veggiesandmoreveggies #healingmyownbody 24m

A well-balanced diet provides all of the: energy you need to keep active throughout the day. nutrients you need for growth and repair, helping you to stay strong and healthy and help to prevent diet related illness and even some cancers.